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Unchecked Power

  • 2 min read

Company X is growing at 5x, 10x the rate of the category or industry. Why?
First reaction: It must be a startup or they have a small base. Fair enough.
But some large companies can consistently deliver high growth as well. Who’s not there to keep them in check?  Do they have truly durable competitive advantage, or just chose to play in others’ blind spots?
For Costco, it’s the simplicity, value and service of the membership and price “arbitrage” enabled by their efficient business model. Savings passed onto their members.
For Dollar stores, it’s the absolute price point where large retailers choose to walk away from in fear of cannibalization and trade down.
For Amazon it’s the shareholder expectation that they will continuously invest all profits into capabilities. Others are not subject to the same rule. If you can consistently invest in exponential technologies and play the long game, which industry can stand its mighty momentum, when the hardest points of Air Land and Sea are already conquered?
Unless you invented a category of products or services, there is rarely an industry that has only one player.   HOW are you serving your customers to keep them coming back, while your competitors are stuck in their own ways?
Applied to an individual level – what makes others want to work with you over all the people inside and outside of your company with similar or better qualifications?

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