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10X ROI In Action

  • 2 min read

Here are a few real-life examples of investments that generate 10x results.

  • You created a tool or template (Excel, Word) that gets reused 10 times by yourself
  • You spent 10 minutes showing 10 people how to complete a task quicker, saving 10 minutes each time
  • You did the same thing, just saving each person 1 minute each time (!), and they repeat the same task 10 times
  • You wrote an article on your blog sharing a story and the lesson learned. Over time, 10 people read it and applied in their lives
  • You created a course to teach the proper way of doing something, so they do it right the first time
  • You wrote a memo summarizing your analysis and recommendation. It took you an extra hour, but it saved 20 people the time sitting in a meeting to arrive at the same conclusion. As a side benefit, you get rich feedback from their independent perspectives.
  • You reached out to ask for help from a colleague and get an answer in 5 minutes, instead of spending an hour trying to figure something out
  • You give people feedback on what to consider and how to do things better. They, in turn, share the wisdom to their peers and future reports.

See the pattern here? We may dismiss these everyday efforts as trivial but they all multiply and benefit everyone. If we create a community that constantly invest in each other as default, where do you think we will be in a month, a year, 10 years?
The opportunity to do so is everywhere: at home, at the office, outside.

  • The news you shared with the person at the coffee shop line up
  • The URL you send to a friend about an article on her project
  • The quiet tip you give to a colleague about the spinach between his teeth…

Don’t hesitate to do good because they seem trivial. Acts of kindness, care and generosity may appear small but carry far and multiply.

1 thought on “10X ROI In Action”

  1. I have certainly do a number of these – particularly creating tools in Office to make future jobs easier and running training sessions so colleagues know without having to keep asking.
    However, I do need to get better at asking for help! I spend hours trying to solve problems using Google etc, when there are plenty around who can help.

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