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Attribution Rules

  • 2 min read

When you advertise on Google or Facebook, there is a concept called atttribution, basically what should get credit for results in terms of sales or growth. If you sold an online course, was it a blog post that got you the sale? Was it a PPC ad or an influencer?
It is human nature to take credit for our own brilliance while blame failures to external factors.  Have you thought about those who silently helped you achieve your career success?

  • Your parents who sacrifaced their time, energy an attention so you could focus on your studies and interest while you were young
  • Your spouse who took care of the family so you can focus on your “battles” and not worry about things at home
  • Your parents or in laws who took care of your kids or cooked for you
  • Your manager who created opportunities for you or took personal risk to recommend you?
  • Your mentors who pointed you the right direction from their experience so you avoided costly mistakes
  • Your colleagues who spent extra time to help or shared their experience
  • Your buddies who listened to your venting and helped you carry the emotional baggage

A friend once told me that work is about Smarts x Time.  If everyone is smart at your workplace, it’s a blessing but at the same time, the “competition” is on the time and energey you spend at work. Do you have the same precondition as everyone else?

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