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Love Your TEAM

  • 8 min read

Usually I write about team dynamics and productivity but today it is not about the “external team” you work with – It’s about the team WITHIN you. Please join me in welcoming your TEAM (Time,… Read More »Love Your TEAM

One Best Way

  • 2 min read

We all love hacks – ways to shortcut a process, simplify things, learn the most in the shortest period of time.  Achieve results in a short period of time that takes others years to learn.… Read More »One Best Way

job title

Titles != Value

  • 2 min read

Titles define who we are – it’s our identity, it’s a brand, it’s a shortcut. They are created to define our scope of responsibilities and seniority. But Titles are also in the way of us adding… Read More »Titles != Value

Want something done quickly? Give it to the busist person

  • 2 min read

Thoughout my career, I have never only had one role. Whether it’s additional projects, training, or even entire desks. Which manager or employer doesn’t like more for less? For me it was about the opportunities… Read More »Want something done quickly? Give it to the busist person

Consumer vs. Creator

  • 1 min read

We are all Consumers: Necessities: Food, Shelter, Clothing, Transportation Luxuries: More or Better versions of Necessities Materials: Things we may not need, but make us (want to) feel a certain way Content:  Useful information or… Read More »Consumer vs. Creator

Team Math

  • 2 min read

Remember the project teams you had back in school, whether university or prior?  Often teachers like to assign you with people you never worked with before, so you get to experience working with different people.… Read More »Team Math

level the playing field

Re-leveling the Playing Field

  • 4 min read

Re-Leveling the Playing Field We used to say for years (and still do) that we need to level the playing field.   It is most often used in the context of diversity and inclusion context,… Read More »Re-leveling the Playing Field


  • 1 min read

Imagine: If you asked somebody on opinion on their work, this is what you get? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We are expected to have an opinion on our work.  Some may be more informed, perhaps even deeply rooted… Read More »¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I know a guy

  • 2 min read

How often can you think of someone (immediately) that can help with a problem during a discussion with a friend or colleague? “Hey – you should talk to this guy (gal) I know” In a… Read More »I know a guy


Expensive and Free

  • 2 min read

Information wants to be expensive, Information wants to be free. A classic dichotomy since before the Internet was born. Some knowledge are more valuable being held secret while others when free and shared by many.… Read More »Expensive and Free