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Amateurs Talk Tactics, Professionals Study Logistics

  • 4 min read

We can come up with the best strategies, but if they are not executable, customers will not see them. In the product business – credits and attention are usually given to Product team for coming… Read More »Amateurs Talk Tactics, Professionals Study Logistics

Love Your TEAM

  • 8 min read

Usually I write about team dynamics and productivity but today it is not about the “external team” you work with – It’s about the team WITHIN you. Please join me in welcoming your TEAM (Time,… Read More »Love Your TEAM

Where are the Consumers?

  • 2 min read

When Consumer Package Goods companies pay most of their attention to shareholders, then retailers, and finally their consumers, the consumers suffer.  By the way, where are employees (Waldo?) in the picture? When I started in the… Read More »Where are the Consumers?

Photography and Finance

  • 3 min read

Many of you know that I love photography.  There are many similarities between photography and finance. Photography In the way I explained to my daughter, photography is all about framing and lighting. Certainly, there are… Read More »Photography and Finance

Big Problem vs. Big Tool

  • 3 min read

Staring at the Puzzle Big Problems that require multiple perspectives, understanding complexity, on the underlying root cause, and for execution. Is sale declining due to weakened branding, product performance gap, pricing, execution in store? Or,… Read More »Big Problem vs. Big Tool

Unchecked Power

  • 2 min read

Company X is growing at 5x, 10x the rate of the category or industry. Why? First reaction: It must be a startup or they have a small base. Fair enough. But some large companies can… Read More »Unchecked Power

What would Company XYZ do?

  • 1 min read

When I started working or consulting for a company, I often get asked what would my previous employer do given the challenge they have?   Granted, I was blessed with experience from great companies and people… Read More »What would Company XYZ do?

The Product and the Solution

  • 3 min read

Had a few recent conversations about “Selling” to customers and the Norm of what they are buying or expecting. No absolute answer but poses an interesting question. The Package Deal As a seller, it is… Read More »The Product and the Solution