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yellow hard hat on brown and yellow fireman s suit

Where did all the Workers go?

  • 5 min read

Labour shortage is on the news everywhere. Why? It comes back to life and us being human. Mass Retirement Those who have the option (pension, investment gains) to retire are taking advantage to do so.… Read More »Where did all the Workers go?


The Present of Work

  • 3 min read

Why don’t we talk more about the PRESENT of Work? It’s a Gift you can act on NOW.

Sharpening the Saw: 2021

  • 1 min read

Covey in 1989: Give me a Task and 6 hours, and I will sweat the first 5 Sharpening my tool to finish the job in 1. Average Worker in 2021: Give me a Task and… Read More »Sharpening the Saw: 2021


  • 3 min read

As we stay home and do our part, we are doing more things at home. We cook, exercise, care for our bodies and groom our looks. Some started growing fruits or plants, others sewing their… Read More »Sufficiency

Half Time

  • 2 min read

What if today marks the half-time for covid recovery? If you feel you missed the first part of the game, you can still catch up in the 2nd half. It is all up to us


Accountable for your Thoughts

  • 1 min read

Have you ever …… Come up with a new business idea, did some research but never pursued it? Wondered about a statement someone made that you disagreed with, but did not speak up? Had feedback… Read More »Accountable for your Thoughts

Love Your TEAM

  • 8 min read

Usually I write about team dynamics and productivity but today it is not about the “external team” you work with – It’s about the team WITHIN you. Please join me in welcoming your TEAM (Time,… Read More »Love Your TEAM

One Best Way

  • 2 min read

We all love hacks – ways to shortcut a process, simplify things, learn the most in the shortest period of time.  Achieve results in a short period of time that takes others years to learn.… Read More »One Best Way

job title

Titles != Value

  • 2 min read

Titles define who we are – it’s our identity, it’s a brand, it’s a shortcut. They are created to define our scope of responsibilities and seniority. But Titles are also in the way of us adding… Read More »Titles != Value

Bowling at work

  • 3 min read

Bowling at the Alley Those who have bowled a few games would know getting a Strike is about consistency. You get a lot of practice starting from the same position, using similar routines, efforts and… Read More »Bowling at work