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Keep your back straight

  • 1 min read

How often do you see the following because people accepted the norm: lazy emails that are easy to send, but difficult to understand long presentations that are heavy in content, but light in insights and… Read More »Keep your back straight

Operating Range

  • 2 min read

Building on the conversation on Strengths, environment also plays a huge factor. Being able to apply our strengths to a suitable environment is like keeping fish in water instead of anywhere else. Physical, chemical, biological… Read More »Operating Range

The One Thing

  • 2 min read

What is the one thing that earns your whole year’s worth of salary? For marketers, it may be that killer campaign. A unique insight that turned into a powerful message that resonates with customers, a… Read More »The One Thing

What if

  • 1 min read

Have you ever been in a meeting when you have a quick thought or idea that you find interesting, but hesitated to share? “What if I am the only one who sees it that way?… Read More »What if

Story Time

  • 1 min read

The stories we are told (By our parents, siblings, spouse, teachers, friends, peers, managers, reports, society) Be humble, treat others as you like to be treated The nail that sticks out will be hammered down… Read More »Story Time

20s, 30s, 40s

  • 1 min read

In your 20s, you achieve more by working hard. In your 30s, you achieve more by working smart. In your 40s, you achieve more by working relationships. No – It’s not about handing out, or… Read More »20s, 30s, 40s

What is your Strength?

  • 3 min read

Have you ever wonder and ask others “What am I good at”? The answer may be described as an experience, accomplishment, or a skill. You are really good at math You make very polished presentations… Read More »What is your Strength?

Dance Dance Dance

  • 2 min read

Remember the saying “Dance Like Nobody is Watching”? Yes, we should all put our best game forward and enjoy the process, regardless of what others think. But your success does depend on who is watching. … Read More »Dance Dance Dance

Multiply instead of Add

  • 1 min read

Often you hear about people being talked and managed as Resource and Capacity – that we Add, Subject, Allocate, Repurpose.  Yes, in manual labour or Manufacturing that may be the case, but most of our… Read More »Multiply instead of Add

The Robot talk

  • 3 min read

Risking over-simplification, here’s a contrast of two communication or influence styles. Some people are natural and comfortable at expressing their emotions, in and out of business setting. They make their voices and opinions heard. If you… Read More »The Robot talk