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Expensive and Free

  • 2 min read

Information wants to be expensive, Information wants to be free. A classic dichotomy since before the Internet was born. Some knowledge are more valuable being held secret while others when free and shared by many.… Read More »Expensive and Free

Would you Rather

  • 1 min read

Who do you care more about: The many skeptics who will criticize everything and not try anything? The few who want to maximize their potential and will work for it? Say 10% of your audience… Read More »Would you Rather

Writer’s Block, Writer’s Thought

  • 2 min read

If you are stuck coming up with a topic: Write what makes you Angry or Happy. If you constantly auto-correct yourself:  Write Generously, Edit Mercilessly. Keep the process separate and perhaps at different times. Call… Read More »Writer’s Block, Writer’s Thought

Random Thoughts on Relationships

  • 2 min read

I grew up in a retailer family and spent many summers at the shop running both the fun and not so fun parts. Seeing all parts of the action, I fully appreciate the dedication required… Read More »Random Thoughts on Relationships