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Love Your TEAM

  • 8 min read

Usually I write about team dynamics and productivity but today it is not about the “external team” you work with – It’s about the team WITHIN you. Please join me in welcoming your TEAM (Time,… Read More »Love Your TEAM

Team Math

  • 2 min read

Remember the project teams you had back in school, whether university or prior?  Often teachers like to assign you with people you never worked with before, so you get to experience working with different people.… Read More »Team Math

plants in 3 colors

Plant Love

  • 2 min read

Each time we move a house plant to a bigger pot, we give it extra food and room to growth. Its roots reach further to get more and different nutrients, while getting a stronger grip… Read More »Plant Love

Think Multiples instead of Percentages

  • 4 min read

Many of us are trained to expect low growth, especially if you work in mature industries. 2 – 3% growth ahead of the market; 5 – 7% growth with new product introductions bringing in new… Read More »Think Multiples instead of Percentages

Think End to End

  • 2 min read

We use multiple apps to cut 10 – 15 minutes out of a 1.5 hour commute. What if you can make arrangments to work from home, saving the entire 1.5 hours? We create strategies that… Read More »Think End to End

Team Potluck

  • 3 min read

Food brings people together and how (or whether) a team eats together says a lot about their relationship.  As we speak, companies are constantly deciding between whether an employee cafe is an expensive, optional overhead… Read More »Team Potluck

Operating Range

  • 2 min read

Building on the conversation on Strengths, environment also plays a huge factor. Being able to apply our strengths to a suitable environment is like keeping fish in water instead of anywhere else. Physical, chemical, biological… Read More »Operating Range

Respect my time

  • 1 min read

In team environments, conflicts are often created due to how members perceive and manage time differently.  Some people have a more rigid definition of time, and it is important for them to stay on schedule.… Read More »Respect my time