If “today” marks the half time of the pandemic and “tomorrow” begins the journey to recovery, what would be your mid-term review? Have you
- Lost or Gained weight?
- Created or Consumed more?
- Learned or Forgotten more?
- Connected or Isolated more?
If you have the privileged to work from home, what have you done with the extra time, mind space, saved money? How have you dealt with the uncertainty, isolation, stress?
If survival is about keeping safe and conserving resources, those who stayed healthy, maintained energy, learned new skills, build new business models will return stronger.
Covid exposed the structural unsustainability that existed for some time:
- Excess leverage and financial engineering made companies weak and unable to absorb shocks.
- Our collective consumption harmed the environment and it’s fighting back.
- Societies that favored individualism caused suffering to the collective good.
Covid is also simply an accelerant that brought trends and adoption forward:
- We will build new habits and practices to replace ones that no longer suit the context.
- Businesses powered by technology are simply better at delivering value and experience at scale when designed and implemented properly.
- Our resilience to adapt and willingness to learn will create new solutions and offerings.
- Our superpower of collaboration will help us tackle challenges in a grand scale.
Are you looking forward to 2021 as a teleport from 2025, or are you longing to return to 2019?
We cannot do much about things we have no control over, but we can choose how we react to them. And we can decide what we want to do with ourselves.
Don’t let a crisis goes to waste.
We can all be healthier, stronger, kinder, smarter, richer, more creative, more generous, more patient.
What is your game plan for the 2nd half?