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I know a guy

  • 2 min read

How often can you think of someone (immediately) that can help with a problem during a discussion with a friend or colleague?
“Hey – you should talk to this guy (gal) I know”
In a split second, something magical happened.  Extended trust that is not based on incentives or conflict of interest. I just think he may be able to help, but you will have to check for yourself.
Many possibilities happened (at least for me) starting from an informal lunch or coffee with no expectations. Someone made a connection – “you guys should meet”. We would enjoy meeting and learning from each other, and later on a beautiful opportunity happens in an unexpected way. And most of my projects came from referral as being “the guy”.
When we work in a big company, the structure and order make us think that either things should and will happen as expected, at some point. Perhaps that is true most of the time, but those resourceful will never stop making things better or creating connections to benefit everyone.
You can think in terms of Possibilities or Constraints – the choice is yours.
Will you lose something by suggesting a connection? are you missing out?
If I am a Sushi chef and you referred a friend to a Korean place, will I be upset because of competition? I will serve my customers and food my way – as they will. Everyone is happy and better off.
Are you the guy (or gal) who can always think of someone that can help?
Or are you the guy (or gal) that others always think of for x? Congratulations!

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