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Welcome to Take Me To Work

Come for the resources to help you do things Better

Stay for the stories to help you Grow Faster


View from Outside the Matrix


Think about the Right Questions


A Force Multiplier

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Plants in 3 colours

Plant Love

Each time we move a house plant to a bigger pot, we give it extra food and room to growth. Its roots reach further…

Leadership Thought

Leadership Thought Bad Leaders take advantage of people, Good Leaders deliver results with people, Great Leaders create opportunities for people. Easy to say, difficult…

Triple Threat

In theater, someone who can sing, dance and act is considered a triple threat. They tend to enjoy better success because of that unique…

Take a Chance on Me

There is magic beyond the art and science in relationships. What is that ingredient? Most career changes are progressive, rational, or even predictable.  A marketing manager…

Dress for Success

Dress for the job you want, not the job you have It is common knowledge that at work, perception and image carry as much…

Big Problem vs. Big Tool

Staring at the Puzzle Big Problems that require multiple perspectives, understanding complexity, on the underlying root cause, and for execution. Is sale declining due…

About TMTW

We dedicate much productive time and efforts to our company and profession, we optimize our lives around it.  Have you ever felt:

“I am stuck and stopped growing.”
“I’m bored/ tired/frustrated. I know I need a change but I don’t know where to start.”
“I can do so much more, but the opportunity is not there.”
“Work is not fun when I am not myself”

Or wonder about:

“How Do I achieve more results, in less time?”
“How can I speak up more confidently and influence with my insights?”
“How can I get my manager and team to understand me?”
“When and how will I realize my full potential?”

You are not alone – I have asked all these questions myself.

Thinking businessman

The Journey

There are infinite resources online, but the quick tips and tricks will not satisfy the learning souls. You need to master the principles and apply to your career and lives.

Some of this knowledge used to come from your managers and mentors. Unfortunately, most organizations today demand more attention to business results than people development. 

We need to own our development and career.  Let me give you a Boost here.

What can you find here?


Good people learn from their mistakes, Great people learn from others’. 

Let me dissect the situations and thought process, so you can apply on your own stage. 

Just like “Take your kids to work” day, let me take my friends to work everyday.


In Chinese history, whenever the strategist sent a general to a battle, he would send along a secret pouch with mission-critical advice.

“Open the red pouch when you see fire, and the blue at rendezvous”.  

Let me arm you with strategies and tools to take on your mighty challenges.


We each offer unique propositions to what we do.  Your company and team are counting on it.

Don’t sell yourself short.

Let us Start a conversation, bust those barriers, and bring our full talent and character to work.

Ultimate Guide to 1:1

Our professional lives are as much about what we do, how we do it, and the people we do it with/for.  Relationship is the ultimate multiplier in our career achievements and satisfaction.  

This guide covers how to use 1:1s to build and nurture relationships (with your boss, peers, reports, customers, partners) –  Tried and true principles and practices for you to apply in your own way.


Ideas to Make you Think and Do