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Random Thoughts on Relationships

  • 2 min read

I grew up in a retailer family and spent many summers at the shop running both the fun and not so fun parts. Seeing all parts of the action, I fully appreciate the dedication required and how every dollar is made. More importantly I learned about integrity and generosity. We are not a big shop, no advertising but have generations of loyal customers thanks to how my parents treated and helped others.
Seeing everyone (ourselves and customers) grow up and through life events for me has been the most rewarding aspect of this business. Everyone has a story, man we can even have different stories everyday. Do you judge people for how they behave a certain way, on a certain day, at this specific occasion? But human nature is too good at that snap judgement.
This relationship model also taught me about strengths and preconditions. Everyone knows about the importance of relationships – but those ones grounded on decades or even generations of goodwill are so invaluable. As someone who has built all my relationships “outside” of that environment, it is such a big contrast.
Do you ever think back at some specific classmates in university, oh he/she was so good and you wonder what they will dedicate themselves to and achieve over the years? I always thought I would have friends everywhere, mutually helping and learning together. Life in Canada has been peaceful and good for the family, but sometimes I feel like I am not home. North American culture is perhaps too independent vs the interdependent norm that I am more comfortable with.  But in a way it is how we each choose to maintain our relationships, right?

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