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Respect my time

  • 1 min read

In team environments, conflicts are often created due to how members perceive and manage time differently.  Some people have a more rigid definition of time, and it is important for them to stay on schedule. For them, being respectful to others mean starting and finishing on time.   Conversely, others can be more fluid with meetings. They may be late because the last meeting finished late, and they may take the time to finish the current tasks.
Fundamentally, the different work styles are driven by the needs to “manage” time.  Fixed uses Time to determine Action (“I will move on when the time is up”), while Fluid uses Action to drive Time (“I will take as much time as needed to progress to a certain stage”).  They are both respecting their colleagues’ time, just in different ways.
How to make everyone productive?

  • Be aware and understanding of the different work styles.
  • Discuss and Agree on team norms – e.g. if someone were to be late, give a reasonable amount of advanced notice.
  • Structure unstructured time regularly – to foster relationship building and creative space. Particularly helpful if your meetings tend to be task or checklist focused.

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