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Story time

  • 1 min read

The stories we are told

(By our parents, siblings, spouse, teachers, friends, peers, managers, reports, society)

  • Be humble, treat others as you like to be treated
  • The nail that sticks out will be hammered down
  • Men should behave this way, Women that way in each situation
  • The leaders will have everything figured out, or we can’t change them anyway

The stories we tell ourselves

  • What I can or cannot do
  • Why something is easy or difficult
  • What kind of person I am
  • What if?

The stories we tell others

(To our families, friends, co-workers, communities)

  • Who we are, what we do, what we have (not necessarily in that order / priority)
  • Our own history and lessons at home, at school, at work
  • How we see the world and our roles in it
  • What matters, why it matters, and what we are doing about it

Is the world in your story bigger or smaller compared to the stories you are told?
Every life is a story, and we write and rewrite them everyday.  Most of the time they are congruent. But if not, the good news is we can always rewrite it.

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