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  • 1 min read

How do you define success?

  • Is it a number ($), a level (title)?
  • Is it in terms of where (you work), what (you have)?
  • Or is it a question of who (you are with)?

If you can be anywhere in the world right now, doing anything you want – where would you “rather be”? There maybe less than 1% of people who would say I’m right where I belong.
We can do anything we set our mind and time to – if we are willing to make some trades as well. Some people choose not to get promoted or move to another company because the trade is “not worth it”.
Being able to do things “in your own terms” sounds glorious and remote but should not be. The issue is that we are not even having that conversation (enough) in the first place.
We are better and more creative than that.

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