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The Battle and the War

  • 1 min read

From time to time, we hear business stories in military languages.
“We will beat Them!”
“We need to Win at all Cost – Whatever It Takes!”
“We can lose the battle but we will Win the War!”
Why are we in War in the first place?
Who are we fighting for?
What is the end game?
Over time, the voice of organizations’ purpose was muffed. People got confused in the conflict between shareholders, employees, customers, suppliers. The reward systems are working, all too well, and you get what you measure.
In my book, in business or life, individual or organization, it’s about adding values to others. We solve problems, make things better. Success is measured by the ability to add value in an accretive way, for both you and your customer.
There is a Battle for Market Share, for Shareholder value.
There is also a War for Talent and Growth.
Who are you fighting for?

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