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The One Thing

  • 2 min read

What is the one thing that earns your whole year’s worth of salary?
For marketers, it may be that killer campaign. A unique insight that turned into a powerful message that resonates with customers, a campaign to make that big bang. And of course, the endless back and forth with agencies.
For salespeople, it may be sealing that deal.  The journey building the idea, the plan, the relationship. A true win-win that was never achieved before. And of course, all the proposals and calls.
For finance folks, it may be that pricing plan. The broad portfolio change that will set up a healthy margin structure for years to come. And of course, all the Excel files between versions and scenarios.
For inventors, it may be that product to elegantly solve problems for their customers. It is what they will be known for. And of course, for the months or years of testing, refining, perfecting the prototypes.
For investors, it may be that one trade they will make a killing on. Screen through the noise, qualify the facts, tame the naysayers, commit. And of coruse, for the countless time researching, scenario planning, then patiently waiting and executing.  Score.
What is the One Thing that will make your year?

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