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Think End to End

  • 2 min read

We use multiple apps to cut 10 – 15 minutes out of a 1.5 hour commute. What if you can make arrangments to work from home, saving the entire 1.5 hours?
We create strategies that are to be executed by another team.  What if we involve them from the start, so we know the strategies can be executed from inception?
Most business decisions are multi-functional in nature.  Often a process step or criteria get missed because they were introduced at different stages. What if we align all our goals up front, so we all share ownership together?
What I learned from my process transformation experience is that it is essential to build a single picture of truth that is end-to-end and understood by all parties.  That creates mutual understanding and often expands the range of options available to achieve the ultimate goal.
What we thought of as mandatory requirements may not be so rigid after all, and what we speculate as straightforward may involve much complexity for our partners.

  • Can we trade level of detail for earlier visibility and decisions?
  • Can we swap the sequence of actions so we remove a bottleneck?
  • Can we share information at the same time so we can operate in parallel?

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