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Unplugged from the Matrix

  • 2 min read

I almost always end with the joke after every Cultures training.
“Now that you are aware of the different dimensions of your own and others’ work styles, you have a much deeper understanding of people’s intent and how they are expressing them.  You are unplugged from the Matrix (of filters and blind spots). You will start seeing or sensing things you never did before”.  Picture This:

  • Your team members are all contributing to ideas, in their own ways, inside and outside of meetings
  • Your employee has been giving you feedback, to help you grow, in an indirect way
  • Your team wants to have more say in how it is run because it is as much theirs as yours
  • Your manager is over-reading and reacting to your email
  • Your customer is giving you more context on why she is looking for what she is looking for.

How does it feel when you are “suddenly” fully aware of the range of possibilities?

  • Vulnerable – are we now all exposed?
  • Unsure – am I over reading the situation?
  • Overwhelming – too much information, what do I do with it?
  • Uncertain – how do I handle the situation, by changing how we work, will I make things worse?

And with an open mind and practice, you will be:

  • Engaged – I am here and present. Let me learn and improve how to build deeper relationships
  • Empowered –  I am now equiped with knowledge, language and tools to handle a wide range of situations. It will enable us to work better together and in turn deliver better results.

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