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Writer’s Block, Writer’s Thought

  • 2 min read

If you are stuck coming up with a topic:
Write what makes you Angry or Happy.
If you constantly auto-correct yourself: 
Write Generously, Edit Mercilessly. Keep the process separate and perhaps at different times. Call them Creative Mode and Critical Mode. Allow yourself to run wild and instinctive in the creative room while being logical and thoughtful on the Editorial table.
Not everything you write needs to be published, but if you suppress your own voice, the good ideas will not have a chance.  Who knows your audience will not find value in what is on your mind? If you say no to yourself, they will not get to see it.
If you find yourself wanting to write to everyone and losing your voice: 
Write like talking to a friend you know well. Make it personal and share your story.    What have you experienced and how do you feel? You may not know it yet, but often we share the same hopes, fears and dreams.
We should not and you will not please everybody – at least not at the same time. You can write for attention, but that will no longer be your own voice and your audience will not know you for who you are.

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